G&A provides Predictive Maintenance Testing services including but not limited to Infrared (IR), Partial Discharge (PD), and Ultrasonic evaluation of Electrical equipment.
Mike Garrett
12889 Davos Drive, Truckee CA, 96161
Cell Phone (1) 530-386-0136(best method for emergency)
USA Home/Office Phone (1) 530-587-3783
Voice/Fax forwarding (1) 425-963-5761
Email: mike@b-garrett.com
Internet http://www.b-garrett.com/Garrett.html
Garrett & Associates does not typically provide maintenance or repair services and therefore can provide an independent evaluation of equipment condition. Thru Infrared, Partial Discharge, and/or Ultrasonic ONLINE testing equipment condition can be evaluated, shutdowns scheduled, and costly unscheduled outages avoided.
Garrett & Associates (G&A)
"Power Generation, On-Line, On-Time"