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24hr Remote Assistance.
Garrett & Associates are dedicated to providing you, the client, with 24 hour a day service no matter where the location.
By using remote access installed in your system we can assist your maintenance department in troubleshooting and repairs without costly time delays.
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Mike Garrett
12889 Davos Drive, Truckee CA, 96161
Cell Phone (1) 530-386-0136(best method for emergency)
USA Home/Office Phone (1) 530-587-3783
Voice/Fax forwarding (1) 425-963-5761
The term 24hr service is over used in the service industry.  All to often the end result is an answering service that may or may not get you help in a timely manner.   Although your site location will determine actual travel and response time G&A maintains mobile communications to assure fast response to client problems.

In my experience at least 50% of all problems encountered can be corrected or isolated via phone communications. With today's communications such as global phone, email, sms, Internet access and the ease of digital imaging problems responding to problems is becoming easier.

In any problem situation we will first attempt a remote solution for the sake of speed and cost, but if this is not feasible Technicians/Engineers will respond by the fastest means.

The numbers listed in the contact information section below are NOT the urgent/emergency numbers. These numbers are provided to our clients on the first meeting.
Garrett & Associates (G&A)
"Power Generation, On-Line, On-Time"
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